In Olympic style, the 1st (Gold), 2nd (Silver) and 3rd (Bronze) best judged models in each category will receive an award, regardless of who enters them. These winning entries represent the best models in a respective category. The winning entries will be selected by the Judges using the criteria outline below. Under this criteria one entrant may win multiple awards, so to level the playing field, in the event that a single entrant wins multiple awards the subsequent best entries (i.e. 4th, 5th) may receive a “Commendable” award to ensure that at a minimum 3 entrants are recognized per category. Our goal is to recognize and acknowledge as many entrants and models as possible so everyone walks away happy. No feedback forms will be provided using this judging format.
Any interested modeller may judge entries. Judging provides a great opportunity to meet and discuss how to improve your model through evaluating others. The more volunteer judges we have will help ensure the show ends on time, and make it more enjoyable for everyone.
Judges will not judge any category in which they themselves have entered a model.
Judges should have Intermediate or Advanced Level skill and experience in order to properly judge the wide variety of entries and at least a working knowledge of various modelling skills such as construction, finishing, working with aftermarket parts, diorama groundwork, and scratch building.
Judges with specific expertise in identifying accuracy based details are encouraged to judge in Intermediate Level and Advanced Level categories.
A Modeller’s Skill Level is based upon their sole desire, perceived skill level, past participation/entries, and comfort level. A Modeller’s skill level is not dictated by the complexity of the kit, or aftermarket parts he/she has used, but by level of experience they have with the hobby. Judges or Show Coordinators may move entries between Skill Levels during the registration process, based upon the modeller’s previous entries and known Skill Level, or during judging based on the quality of the model entered in order to provide the best opportunity for all entrants.
Here are some guidelines that will help a Modeller chose which Level best reflects their skill and comfort level:
The Junior Level is the introductory Level for Modellers under the age of 18. Junior Modellers under the age of 18 may choose to participate at the Basic Level at their discretion but without the perks of being identified as a junior entry (i.e. Junior prizes/awards). Once a Junior Modeller has reached the age of 18 he/she will be automatically moved into the Basic level of their desired category/categories, or to the Intermediate Level at their discretion. They not be exposed to the Olympic scoring system in the Junior Level as all Junior Modellers will receive awards.
The Out of Box Entry Level provides a variety of options for Modellers with respect for finishing. Aftermarket parts, conversions, and scratch building are not considered Out of Box. The use of alternate markings, weathering techniques, and minor added details such as antennas, straps, or stowage items is acceptable.
The Detailed Entry Level provides a wide offering of options for the Modeller to make improvements, correct accuracy, convert the original kit, utilize aftermarket items, add extra details (super detailing), and use any manner of markings.
Judging will be conducted while the show is in progress and will commence once registration has closed. Entries in each category will be examined and evaluated by the Judges. The Judges involved with the show may vary in experience and will do their best to award entries based on Skill Levels using the Olympic Judging system.
Judges will read accompanying materials to ensure the entrant receives due consideration as to the level of skill, research, and any unique characteristics of the model.
All models will be judged on the tables. If your model is NOT secure to the base please indicate this on your registration form.
Standardized judging forms will be used for each entry category and will record the designated entry number, a description of the model, and the results of the judging. At the completion of judging each completed judging form will be provided to the show Coordinators.
The Judges’ decisions are final. Please give them the respect to perform their task, they are doing it on your behalf as fellow modellers. We want everyone to have fun and walk away satisfied. If you have any inquiries regarding the judging results please contact the Alberta Military Modellers Show Coordinators regarding your entry and judging results at the end of the show.
Rarely has a “perfect” model appeared on the display tables at our show. Each and every model has areas for improvement no matter what skill level the modeller is at. The following criteria help the judges identify these areas to assist them in selecting the winning entries. Also, please note that these are simply guidelines.
The scale of a model or figure does not factor into the judging.
Basic construction techniques and clean-up of parts.
Basic construction techniques include:
•Mold seams and flash removal.
•Mold ejector pin marks filled / sanded and made good.
•Panels and Panel lines lined up.
•Gaps and seams filled where appropriate.
•Everything appears in proper alignment.
•Level set of all appropriate parts touching the ground
•Visible absence of glue marks
•Gun barrels drilled out
Military Figures
Military Naval
Military Aircraft
Military Vehicles
Paint finish, decal and markings application, finish quality, as well as overall weathering consistency and quality.
Finishing errors to consider include:
In the case of vignettes and dioramas, attention will be paid to the overall consistency of the weathering of the base and groundwork elements matching that of the figures and vehicles.
Added detailing, scratch building and aftermarket additions.
•Added detail and additions must blend seamlessly with the basic model
•All additions are to scale
•All criteria listed above will be applied to any and all added detailing
The accuracy of the model and/or subject matter will be examined at the Intermediate Level and Advanced Level. Modellers in the Advanced Level will be under additional scrutiny during judging and should include evidence; photographic, written, or otherwise of their additions, modification, etc.
Accuracy errors to consider include:
EX: A Japanese Tank in NW Europe?
EX: USS Missouri at the Battle of Midway?
EX: Invasions Strips on a F4U-4 Corsair?
EX: British style harness on a German Bf-109 fighter
EX: A wrong sized gun on a tank.
Though accuracy is not the primary judging focus, Advanced Level category award selections may be affected if the accuracy issue is blatant and obvious.
Modellers in the Intermediate Level are encouraged but not required to include evidence, pictures or reference to support their additions, modifications, etc as a precursor to moving to the Advanced Level.