Potential vendors are encouraged to register early to ensure you will be provided a table. Deadline to register is 2 weeks prior to the show. In some instances, late registrants will be accepted depending on available space. All Vendors will be provided up to 3 tables maximum during the show setup period. Chairs are also available and will be provided. Show setup period is from 8:30 - 9:30 am the morning of the show. AMMS limits the number of tables to ensure adequate space for everyone. Additional tables may be added at the discretion of AMMS personnel during the show.
1 Table - $15 2 Tables - $25 3 Tables - $40
A limited number of power outlets are available, but are dependent upon vendor area layout. No telephone or Ethernet outlets are available.
All other show registration or entrance fees apply. If a vendor is bringing in additional helpers it is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure the entrance fee has been covered for each helper. Payment of fees will be collected at the time of setup. Remember if you are entering a model into the show, your entrance fee is waved.
A limited number of power outlets are available, but are dependent upon vendor area layout. No telephone or Ethernet outlets are available.
Tear down will commence at 3:30pm sharp to ensure the area is cleaned up before the venue’s closing time of 4:00pm.
Please send your registration form to albertamilmodshow@gmail.com with the subject line Alberta Military Modellers Show Registration. Please provide the following information below in the body of your email.
Please watch our website for updates.
Number of tables requested: ___________ (max 3)
Number of chairs requested: ___________ (max 3).